Blog Post

EasyGraph platform alpha 2 release

Paul Appleby • 20 May 2020

Graphifi are very happy to announce the second alpha release of our EasyGraph platform. This release has seen a massive amount of development with the focus on providing a developer playground.

Bootstrapping knowledge graph adoption

The goal of EasyGraph is to allow organisations to quickly try out and prototype ideas for using knowledge graphs without having to first spend a lot of time and money building what are essentially boilerplate capabilities. EasyGraph is ontology driven and can generate an API from an ontology with zero development. You can literally be up and running in minutes.

The Graphifi team have taken years of experience and real world development in building knowledge graph systems and distilled that in to the EasyGraph platform, taking in to account the learning of how developers react and are willing to work with semantic/RDF systems - pragmatism is the name of the game.

Along with an understanding of how businesses need to see value from their investment in new technology and ideas without long cycles of development that show no benefit, we hope that EasyGraph shows what is possible and provides the mean to facilitate businesses in doing so.

Developer playground

The playground is fully integrated in to EasyGraph and provides the means to create multiple workspaces, where each workspace consists of scenarios (tasks) that a developer wants to achieve. Each scenario consists of various API requests over which a developer has full control.

Workspaces can be automatically generated allowing a developer to immediately start trying out an API with zero development effort.

Data can be mocked automatically and configurations exported and imported allowing teams to easily share API setups.

HTTP or GraphQL? Try both

We realise that there are developers who prefer to work with a REST like API and those that prefer to work with GraphQL, which is very much in vogue. The playground can be used in HTTP mode or GraphQL mode and a simple builder tool allows you to create various queries in a form like manner. HTTP and GraphQL requests are generated from the builder.

Getting started

To get started using EasyGraph simply go to You need a LinkedIn account to access the service.

EasyGraph can be bootstrapped with one of the test ontologies it is set up with so there is no need to even have an ontology to use.

However, if you are interested in an on-premise version of EasyGraph to be in complete control yourself please get in touch. We would be delighted to help and it is very simple to stand up your own version of EasyGraph.

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