Knowledge Graphs

What are Knowledge Graphs?

Knowledge Graphs

Knowledge graphs allow organisations to connect their information in an ecosystem that makes it easy to ask questions about that information.

There are generally various aspects to a knowledge graph, such as taxonomies, ontologies and data about things, such as products.

The use cases for knowledge graphs are numerous and include machine learning, analysis, data integration, customer 360 and enhanced search.

Getting started with a knowledge graph can be difficult for organisations that do not have the skills or experience and so tooling that can quickly get organisations started is key to proving the benefits.

Graphifi provides Graphologi, EasyGraph and GraphAI to help get you started on your knowledge graph journey, removing a lot of the burden of building knowledge graph plumbing.

Education providers are one example where the use of knowledge graphs and content graphs can have great benefits, helping solve the issue of getting learning content and learning journeys to users in smart and dynamic ways.

Graphifi have various customers in the education space and the team have also substantial experience in building educational graphs.

Graphifi for Education (PDF)
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